Monday, September 12, 2011

Conspiracy and Religion

Life as I see it

-An atheist's understanding of religion and conspiracy

Many people have explained it, but they were taken wrongly, because they used some unorthodox terms and indulged in some unorthodox activities. All they were trying to say is that as homo sapiens we have some limitations. And if we want to evolve to the next level of intelligence, we have to realize the nature of our bodies and brains. This was information that was realized and it is possible that the next mutation had already appeared and had gone extinct. My theory is that this next mutation had already appeared on earth. 

And if that had indeed happened, we need to be making some serious changes. We have heard the story of Atlantis through ages. If a story has survived 8,000 years it must have some truth in it. And many people already believe that is indeed the fact. Just consider this hypothetical theory. The earth is made up of certain elements, and it has experimentally been proved by Dr. Wilhelm Reich's experiments with bions. The fact that life emerged from elements of earth has beed generally accepted as fact. And being composed of these materials, we have certain limitations yet. We have only limited senses and limited intelligence. And man is moving closer and closer to exhausting all options and returning to the stone age. We all know that many animals lower to us in the evolutionary chain have different types of senses. Some are more capable than us, some less. Which should prove that there are some qualities we lack, we are not perfect. And that should prove that there is more to evolution than seems necessary to most people. Anyway, the thing is we have very large brains and yet we are not capable of using it to the full potential. That is, because of the nature of the external stimuli we have never had to use the really capable part of the brain in this civilization of mankind. And as most of the world is using only a part of the brain, they are not realizing it to its full potential. And we all know, in evolution it is use it or lose it.

So the theory is that the Atlantians were a notch, if not a few, above us in this evolutionary pyramid. However, due to the last Ice Age around 10,000 years ago their land was lost, probably due to earthquakes and liquefaction. And the story of Atlantis was told and retold by many historians, voodoo priests, and religions in the form of gods, be it greco-roman, Celtic  or Hindu. But actually the stories can be found interrelated in all the world's religions. We have a certain amount of physical power. And at the same time we have intelligence. But for the past 8000 years, due to the domination of one of our traits, i.e. power, we have never needed to use most of our brain. And this is having a very very very, (it cant be stressed enough) bad obstacle on our path of evolutionary advancements. The fact is that there is only so much we can do by using only a part of our faculties. Our environment has grown much milder as we have stabilized. The scientific development of human race is limited due to the amount of senses we have to absorb that development.

And that was the point, which I understand now,better, if not totally, that Jesus, Budhha, Confucius, the I ching, the vedas, were talking about. Enlightenment. It has nothing to do with GOD, we just use our full potential and thus stay a step ahead of evolution. By keeping our mind and body fit, we do not let nature reduce the amount of strength or intelligence that is available to us. Whatever way a person chooses to do it,he will reach varying levels of success. And that success would surely be something in the way of using our full faculties. When a person is said to have reached enlightenment or moksha or has become god or whatever, it only means that he has full use of all the faculties available to him or her. The reader will observe even though the content may be saying contrary, the author has been programmed to use the masculine gender when referring to an arbitrary individual of the population. The thing is, due to our change in lifestyle, due to the dominance of one trait, most people find it very hard to do it. All the trouble started when men and women were not equal any more, left and right were not equal any more. One might argue that this same duality will be present in all individuals. While that is true, it is seen that mostly people who have use of more of their faculties do not see the need to demonstrate their bad qualities. Since they can simulate that in their minds and understand that they would not like the result if they were to do something bad. When people used to consider diseased people as cursed, they were in a sense right in saying that they were cursed because their ancestors did not follow the path of god in the sense that they did not extract their bodies and minds to their full potential, which led to not needing to use much of their faculties and which ultimately led to the degradation of it. If you ask me we could have kept our tails if we could continuously make use of it.

And that is exactly what the people who are searching for themselves trying to do. The number of people with this kind of
mutation is not small anymore. In fact, it can be said that most humans posess very similar qualities. The self searching mutation has been alive for as long as man's other needs have been satisfied. When these basic needs of food, clothing,mating and the natural functions became easily available, he becomes bored with himself/herself. And then most people not realizing the evolutionary trend, try to do some things to get their minds off it,or to vent frustration or boredom, which ultimately proves counterproductive, or produces undesirable effects on his environment. The author wants to stress here that he is not suggesting that we stop doing experiments, just that we simply try to simulate the effects of the experiment in the mind to get a general idea as to whether the experiment might prove harmful effects on others[e.g. The Bikini Atoll experiment or the 'alleged' Philadelphia experiment]. 

By tilting the human axis towards power, our past and present rulers have ignored the fact that humans will have their intelligence even though they might try to suppress knowledge. And soon these people will realise that if we really want to rule our planet as the alpha genus, power will only get us so far. And unless we use our intelligence fully, we will not be able to expand our intelligence any further. The same goes for physical strength, but man has devised ways to develop physical faculties without the need for physical confrontations. But the importance of educating women cannot be stressed enough since they must be part of this evolution. I mean, we cannot evolve without women since they hold the key to propagation of the species. And this has been a point ignored in most religions. Over time, all religions have accepted this trend of trying to evolve without including women in the picture, i.e. trying to reduce the capabilities and intelligence of the female members of the population. Trying to do that is like founding the Nazi party without hitler in it. They may see some point in it, even though I don't. In fact, most of the degradation of human intelligence can be attributed to the domination of females and the obstruction of knowledge, which can in turn be attributed to the attitude of our religious leaders and god-men. Most people who have tried to dominate the other were trying to save more for himself, that is only instinctive. I mean, if given a choice, wont we all let another being die in our place? That is evolution, there is no way around it. But, over time, it was evident that these people alone will never be able to evolve alone. The human race is interconnected now, and any evolutionary step has to be taken together.

Be it Dr. Leary's psychedelic experiments or Libertanism, all that was being stated was the need for humans to realize themselves and take charge of evolution. Because evolution is more than just a chapter in biology, it is our lives. And that the path we are moving on now, is not really a very good one, because it makes us stupid and just follow certain rules which we ourselves made up, for what was thought to be for the better. And if we keep getting entangled in the dreams of a few wealthy individuals, who themselves are better protected than us, pointed out by the fact that we are getting entangled in their dreams, instead of ours. We need to evolve, and we have lost a lot of time.

Now it is time to draw certain references that the author assumes he has clearly made his point. The people who have talked on this subject are numerous. For a start, let us quote the most credible person that has and ever will live, in terms of the number of discoveries and inventions he has to his credit. Nikola Tesla. If one reads Tesla's "My Inventions", where he discusses not only his inventions, but his view of life, and his foresight about the direction of human evolution. He realized the importance on self realisation at a very early age. And it is this self realization and self control, he says that had made him who he was, for better or for worse. One can see how it could have been for the better since Tesla, although being present in almost every part of our day to day existence, was faced with the fear, red tape and censorship of the capitalist economy. Even today more than a couple of hundred of his innovations are not available to the public. Whatever plans these people have for this type of technology, I am pretty sure it will be at least as harmful as what Tesla had in mind. And that is just to make a conservative estimate, given that I don't have the right to criticize people on account of their future actions. It is apparent to me that these new, revolutionary technologies will not be used for the "greater good of humanity", although that is exactly what will be claimed by the government that will be using it to wage wars or capture oil fields. It can be said with a certain degree of certainty, that it will be seen that it will do nothing to improve the lives of the people of this world. When have we seen anything that would make us believe the opposite. We are at a very critical juncture in the history of mankind. With resources dwindling and armies expanding, it is bound to collapse, one way or the other, if we do not immediately take some steps at disarming and dissolving these tensions. We have to abolish the notion of territory. To maintain territory needs power, and power can be protected by owning resources. And these resources are the very ones to be used to enhance that power. It doesn't take an Einstein to see that is very unsettling. Though it may seem idealistic at this point of time to some people, the truth in this is only more apparent with time. Sue me for trusting people more than governments.

With the hope of not proving Einstein right on the Third World War.


Unknown said...
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Raghav Karnani said...

Mostly agree with your post, in that human potential or a higher civilization has left behind a footprint and idea of God.

Like Atlantis, another story which is common to all the ancient religions and the Hindu philosophy, Noah's Ark.
Maybe that has something to do with this ;)

Unknown said...

I would say the story of Noah's ark is the story how human civilisation spread over the continents.think about it.

nabo said...

I agree with you on all counts. But i had hoped u wud write more abt d censorship, abt hw anyone who tries to rise above is prosecuted. i hope u write abt it thoroghly some other time

Dipjyoti said...

agreed..was good reading it,,would look forward to more blogs from your side..

Unknown said...
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